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Colleges, universities and global industries 经常 point to the gap 之间的
the skills secondary schools drill most and the enduring habits students need
to thrive in college and beyond -- strengths such as cognitive flexibility,
 emotional intelligence, creativity and sound judgment. 

Find out how Montrose empowers girls to bridge this gap by coupling
academic excellence with enduring habits of mind, heart, and character.

What people are saying about Montrose

"Montrose School offers an unparalleled education for girls, with a culture of academic seriousness, intellectual freedom and moral integrity where students can grow in confidence and self-knowledge. This rare combination makes Montrose a leader in forming young women of character, who are inspired to lead and serve." 

O. Carter Snead, University of Notre Dame
威廉·P. and Hazel B. White Director, Center for Ethics and Culture
Professor of Law, Concurrent Professor of Political Science

List of 3 items.

  • 12

    Average class size
  • $4+ million

    offered in 优点 scholarships to the class of 2022
  • 18

    Advanced Placement courses

List of 2 items.

  • 100%

    Graduates attending four year colleges or universities
  • 50+

    Towns represented

Montrose Results

Montrose students are admitted to top colleges and universities across the nation